Third blanket is finished!

I had Christmas day on my own for the first time as Mum and James were stranded as their street is on a hill. They watched a car try to come up and it just slid all the way back down so we postphoned everything until Sunday. It didn't bother me so much being on my own as it was due to the weather, besides I managed to make headway with the blanket for my new niece who was due on 29th (still no appearance at the time of writing!). Anyway, it's finished and as it had to be different from my other 2 nieces blankets, I did it in squares and stitched them together which took most of a day to do. The squares that are one colour are actually sewn sideways to make it look different. I'm just waiting for the bairn to make her appearance and I'll let my wrist recover before starting another one. I'm thinking about doing a non-baby for a change, at least until the next baby comes around!

Happy New Year to all!


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