Holiday Countdown

I’m off to London for a week in September and I’m going by sleeper which I've been dying to do since I was a child. Because I'm going by sleeper it actually works out a longer stay as I gain two days by travelling overnight.

I’m staying with my aunt and uncle and I’ve been trying to narrow down things to do. I looked on the Visit London site and within a couple of minutes found cycle tours – fantastic idea! I vaguely remember taking an open top tour on a bus the last time I was down but the bikes sound more fun.

I’ll either go to the British Museum or Natural History Museum (I keep swithering) and the London Eye is a must. Apart from that, I’m not sure what else I’ll be doing. I want to spend time with my aunt and uncle as well as pounding the pavements so I’ll probably just wait and see how the week pans out (especially the weather!).

Before London though, I'm due to go to the Scottish mobilemeet in Kilmarnock on 11th September which will mean an early start especially if we take one of the library vans. We'd probably have to leave about 5am to get there! The mobilemeets are great fun though and I love seeing the other vans. Of course, it's under the guise of a conference but everyone goes for a nosey at all the vans!


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