Baby no.2 has arrived!
Owen Robertson was born in Aberdeen yesterday at 14.50 and arrived safely. Both him and Maria are fine as is dad Bryan. He's baby no. 2 for getting a blanket which has been finished for a couple of weeks now but I won't put a picture up until I've given it to Maria and Bryan otherwise it'll kinda spoil the surprise! Must admit, Bryan took a lovely photo of Maria holding Owen just after the birth and she looked really good having just gone through a long labour. I'm hoping to go up to see them soon once they're home and settled.
So, one more blanket to do and I really have to do a different pattern as I've done the previous designs for my other nieces. This baby to be is a girl by the way and I've 11 weeks apparently, so no pressure!
I know I'd said I'd upload photos from the weekend away but as usual, the phone rang and 2 hours later, I'd enough of staring at the PC. Hopefully, I'll get them done soon and I reckon I'll have to look at using Flickr since I seem to be accumulating alot of photos!
So, one more blanket to do and I really have to do a different pattern as I've done the previous designs for my other nieces. This baby to be is a girl by the way and I've 11 weeks apparently, so no pressure!
I know I'd said I'd upload photos from the weekend away but as usual, the phone rang and 2 hours later, I'd enough of staring at the PC. Hopefully, I'll get them done soon and I reckon I'll have to look at using Flickr since I seem to be accumulating alot of photos!