Snow Galore!

This is proof that we had snow on Thursday! More fell later, in fact, the car still has some on it's roof. It's been on and off since then but I'd rather have snow and floods. So, now been at the Panto three times! I went with my nieces this morning as mum got free tickets via her work. I'm getting to know the lines quite well though and it's nice to see how the actors have changed things. I met Joelle for lunch afterwards and caught up on the news which was great. It's hard to meet up as we both work different hours but we more than make up for it in the end.

I went back to work on Tuesday to discover that I was being sent to Hamilton (round trip of 230 miles) for a meeting as the director and libraries manager couldn't go so off I toddled in the car on Wednesday and the journey was fine. There's alot of work on the M80, M73, M74 but got through that with no problem. However, I did get hopelessly lost in Hamilton! I was on the correct street but I couldn't get off and on their one way system but managed it eventually thanks to a chap washing cars. Managed to get out with no difficulty though!

I'm now on holiday apart from being at College on Monday afternoon and I'm then going through to work as it's our staff night out which should be good. I'm not back at work until 7th January so I'll have to get cracking this weekend on the last blanket as the baby's due in 10 days time - so no pressure!

Happy Christmas to all!


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