
Road going towards the direction of the lighthouse. I didn't notice the bird until today!
View of the Glens
Going up towards Boddin and Usan
View of Montrose and Dun, the train just happened to appear.

Although we didn't have as much snow as some parts of the country, we did have several inches. I'm off work on holiday at the moment so thankfully didn't have to drive through it but the snow certainly brightened up the landscape. I've posted some photos taken round Ferryden. We were bothered more by ice which was lethal. We usually get gritted in Ferryden but after Christmas Eve, we didn't see them till about the Tuesday. I was through in Arbroath for the Watchnight service only because the singing group were singing - I usually go to the local kirk which is about 5 mins away. Our organist was playing otherwise, I wouldn't have gone as I got a lift from him but I walked down with mum and the whole journey was a nightmare as the roads and pavements were just pure ice.

We had a takeaway for Christmas (don't think my Aunt was too happy with that) but it worked out really well, especially since they deliver. I've found out I go into control freak mode if having to cook Christmas lunch though I'm fine any other time of the year! This year was much better, my stress levels were fairly normal. One of my colleagues had mentioned having a takeaway and I must admit that it had never occured to me but I'd certainly do it again.

I've finally managed to sit down and sort through all the photos on the pc as I keep forgetting to delete the photos from the camera once I've uploaded and this morning was presented with 4 identical copies of some pictures (in various folders naturally)! Of course, I then ended up deleting the wrong ones etc. so had to restore them but I've now tagged them and sorted them out. One task can now be crossed off my list though I must look into using something like flickr.


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