
At the end of November I went through to Edinburgh to see "We Will Rock You" at the Playhouse and it was an excellent show. My one criticism is that the band were a tad too loud and drowned out some of the singing but apart from that, it was great. The cast were strong and you could see Ben Elton's humour in the dialog. I recommend it to everyone. We had some Glasweigians behind us who were spoiling for a fight, one woman ended up in tears just as we arrived and a couple of rows behind, at least half a dozen folk were thrown out after the interval. There were alot of folk constantly moving around which seems to be the thing these days but to be honest, it annoyed me and it must annoy the cast. The Playhouse also have binoculars at every second seat or so for folk to use (after paying £1).

I went through the mum and some of her work colleagues, we got a minibus and stayed the George Hotel which was lovely. We were booked into another hotel but some idiot had left his bath running and flooded the whole floor so were moved and actually upgraded so we weren't complaining. We did some shopping, saw the German/Scottish market and generally wandered around. It'd been a while since I'd been in Edinburgh but it was nice being able to stroll along Princess Street without any cars. They're currently putting in the tram lines they took out some years ago!

So, last Wednesday, I saw Aladdin in Webster's Theatre in Arbroath with some of the staff from work. We had a meal then went across and chatted to the staff as we're in the same department and know most of them. Of course, we had to buy a wand and I must say, I'm impressed with it. Don't really go in for wands but this one is surprisingly bright and has four functions. Jackie was told by an old lady to switch hers off! She was a bit of a grump complaining about the kids in front of her etc., makes you wonder why she went.

Anyway, the show was good, we had good seats near the front but right in the middle. They needed to sort out their sound but it was the preview night. At the end, we were waiting for the encore when this very posh voice said we basically had to leave as the building was being evacuated so two fire engines later and some nice firemen, we saw the cast at the stage door which is also in the car park. Folk were just going home but of course, my car was parked near the stage door so I had to wait a bit for the crowds to disperse but chatted to the staff. It doesn't seem to have been the smoke machines setting of the alarms. I'm back this Thursday with the Rotary so will ask the staff what the cause was. Oh, they also threw sweets which was great as most places have banned it as being "dangerous". Of course, I didn't catch one!

So Panto again on Thursday, exam at College tomorrow, meeting Joelle on Saturday, Sunday is singing in the Church and then a Rotary Christmas afternoon get-together and a week today is the staff night out - can't wait! Then I'm off on holiday and will have to start that blanket......


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