Weekend fun - part 1
I went up to Aberdeen yesterday to give Maria and Bryan the blanket. Owen was awake and is soooo lovely. It's amazing the way babies stare at you - you have to wonder what they are thinking. The cats said hello as well though Benson (the fluffy one) decided to wait until I was leaving - maybe it was cheerio?!
Anway, as promised, I've uploaded the photo of the blanket. You may think it's the same as the last one but it isn't really. It's the same pattern but the colour scheme is different and I think it looks better this way. I now have to psych myself up for the last one as I know it'll be a challenge.
I also decided to try a new recipe for chocolate chip cookies as I'm trying to perfect the recipe. I had run out of chocolate chips which was just as well as the recipe didn't say when to use them! So my workmates got some as did Joelle, Maria and Simon (we car-share to Church, he's the organist). It's shocking the amount of sugar you're supposed to use though, so I generally half the quantity at least.
He's asleep under it as I type..!