Right, this herd is my pride and joy. I started making them when I stayed in Wales and I was the only Scottish person in the class and couldn't think of anything to make, so thought of highland cows. My favourite and first one is Morag (the brown one on the left with the lovely horns). The wee brown one is Wee Hamish. I moved back to Scotland soon after so they are technically Welsh!

The one at the back left is best forgotten about, more like a sheep than anything else! To his right is Catherine, then Big Angus (created to go with Morag and Wee Hamish) and last but not least is Jock.


gruffalo said…
Are these cows edible?
Spud Murphy said…
Sorry!! Clay is a clue...
stupidgirl_no1 said…
These are gorgeous!! I especially like the wee one at the back who hasn't even got a name bless him!! but then I have a thing about the runt of the litter, once adopted a guinea pig who looked like a rat because no one else would take him!

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