Where has the time gone?! It's been about six weeks since my last post so here's a brief update. A couple of weekends ago, Since it was forecasted to be a lovely day, I went round Glen Clova and Glen Doll with Sharon, a colleague from work, on our bikes. We reckon we cycled about 18 miles or so though admittedly I had to walk up a few of the steeper slopes! I get half way up and just grind to a halt. It was a great day and the weather held only deciding to rain when we were leaving. I have noticed a problem with the bike, just a minor one really. The seat has a tendancy to move so I can be pedalling along quite happily then suddenly my knees are up at my chin!! This of course, tends to happen going up a hill making life challenging, so I'll have to figure out someway of tightening it. The bolt is not like a standard bolt either - typical. I'm now back at College and am having to create a website from scratch which should be interesting since I've never used CS...