Edinburgh Book Festival

I've finally got Michael Morpurgo's signature in my authograph book! I already have a couple of books signed by him but he's now with the rest of the signatures so I'm happy. I went to see him speak yesterday with the Montrose and Forfar children's bookgroup and he was fantastic as usual. I could listen to him talk all day mainly because he's so passionate about reading and storytelling.

In case you don't know, Michael Morpurgo was Britain's children's laureate a few year's ago, is a top children's author and because he's so popular, it's next to impossible to get him to come to a small, local event so we were extrememly lucky to be able to get tickets for his talk this year. Mind you, I did spend over an hour on the phone only to be told that I'd to phone a different number as they dealt with groups!

Anyway, the children did the treasure hunt and got their prize though strangely enough the answers were at the bottom which sort of defeated the point really! They then spent alot of time in the bookshop and one said it "wasn't fair!" as he kept finding loads of books he wanted especially when he found the Doctor Who stand! Of course, I had the child whose bottle leaked into her lunch and we nearly made it home before someone threw up (the joy!).

After the talk, we rushed outside to queue for the book signing and although we'd allowed an hour for this, we ran out of time. The festival staff weren't helpful and when we asked if we could give them the books for Morpurgo to sign, they said we'd have to collect them later. Exactly when we'd collect them since we'd travelled for two hours to get there was anybody's guess. They also wouldn't let us jump the queue (not that I'd adovcate that normally) as they said the publisher would be against it. Well, it's not just one publisher and it's the children that buy the books. The folk behind us couldn't believe that either. Anyway, we ended up asking the driver to wait 15 mins and we made it by the skin of our teeth though I don't think he was very happy. I do think the festival folk need to realise that people do live outside Edinburgh and do come in large groups as dropping us off is a nightmare and groups of children need to be kept together. It's an old bug bear off mine the whole event so I'd better get off my high horse!

In the end, the children all got their books signed and Morpurgo chatted to each one which they loved. He was just fantastic and I'd certainly go and hear him speak again. I'd also recommend him to everyone as well.


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