Ferryden Sunset

We get some fantastic sunsets here and possibly sunrises except I'm not up that early! I took this one a couple of nights ago though the sky was pinkier. I couldn't get the camera on the right setting in time. You can see the outline of the Glens in the background. The harbour's been busy recently, in fact, one ship has just arrived and another has left.

Someone asked why I use the name Spud Murphy. Well, if you read The Legend of Spud Murphy by Eoin Colfer you'll find out why and please, please, please ask for it at your local library first as not only are they free, it's also a children's book and will take you about 20 mins to read. Believe it or not, my street cred actually rose when the kids in the library read it as well - hence the reason I use it!!


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