Back to Uni.

Well, it's been raining most of last week - again. Today is lovely in comparison. On Wednesday I went back to Uni in Aberdeen for the day on a cataloguing course (of all things!). I must admit I never thought I'd hear the name Lubetzky again. Robert Gordon's (RGU) moved to Garthdee a year or so after I graduated and apart from being at an interview at the time, it was the first time I'd been in the new campus. What a difference. Everything is ID controlled, masses of students everywhere as there are quite a lot of departments under the one roof.

It was nice though, loads of rooms and toilets on every floor and it was spacious. We were linking up via video conferencing with folk in the Islands and the technology didn't work most of the time. The sound failed due to the RGU network apparently so all the folk saw was the tutor waving his arms now and again! It reminded me of the time we spent waiting in primary school for the teacher to figure out how to put the tv onto the video channel! We were just covering the basic of cataloguing (most of which are still buried in my memory, never to reappear I think) and the tutor, Alan MacLennan, recognised me which I was surprised at as it had been 11 years since I left.

It's the first course I've been on that I haven't been able to park at but the walk helped to clear the mind. It's also the first and hopefully last course where the lunch was eaten by the previous class! We saw some of them come out with sandwiches in their hands and thought it was a communal area but no, they'd managed to eat one of two trays of sandwiches and left only two bottles of water. We reckoned they went off with the juice as well so all we got was a couple of inches of water to drink. The afternoon tea was fairly lukewarm and the biscuits all vanished. I must admit I was glad to get home and get the tea on. On a happy note, at least the roads were flood-free.

It's been a busy week and it's not going to slow down much. Apart from recovering from the cold, Rotary is keeping me very busy and trying to juggle that with College is proving to be a challenge. I've to design and build a website for College so am basically doing a crash course is HTML, CSS etc. It's interesting though and I'm doing a Yoga site for my boss which thankfully is much simpler than some of the sites the "youngsters" are designing. They been doing it since first year at High School and I figured I'd have enough trouble trying to do and keep up with the basic stuff!

The car has its service tomorrow which is a bill I could do without and if it needs another spring, I'll scream. The roads are awful here and in the last year, I've had three replaced. None of my other cars ever had theirs replaced. You can tell who's local as they zigzag round the potholes and craters.

I'm going to the panto twice next month which should be fun and in fact, I'll be hardly at work in the run up to Christmas due to College, a trip to Stirling (some meeting thing), other meetings and left over holidays of which I'm trying to figure out how to use up! I've just finished listening to Angels and Demons book on CD and it's worse than the Da Vinci Code. The supposed hero is an idiot, I figured out the plot about a third of the way through and ended up liking the bad guys! So, it's bookgroup next Sunday and we're reading "The Island" by Victoria Hislop except I'm going through a no-reading phase again but I've managed to get it on CD.


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