Grand Day Out

On Thursday I got to out of the office (yipee!) to visit Heelix Binders inFalkirk. Pauline, one of our staff, also came with me so after dealing with the mobile drivers we left. I'd packed the flasks and she brought the biscuits (essential!) and we stopped in a layby on the way down and way back. We found a lovely restuarant just 10 mins from Falkirk and also went over the new bridge - there was only us and one other car so it felt a bit strange but you got a good view. We spent three hours in the bindery and were shown everything from start to finish. We even saw some of our books at stage one. I fell in love with the glue machine - it's just a roller with glue constantly moving and the buckrum is rolled between and hey presto! one side is covered in glue! After the visit, we headed straight up the motorway and timed it prefectly by hitting the Broxburn roundabout at Perth at the start of rush hour. I'd visited the bindery 10 years ago but the company has since split so it was really good to see how things have changed.

At the moment, I'm nursing a cold which I'm blaming on wading through all that water last weekend. I'm going up to Robert Gordon's on Wednesday where one of my ex-tutors is giving a refresher course on Marc Cataloguing. Thrilling stuff I know but it should help in my long debates with my boss as to who's correct!

My neighbours, the ones who have wee Rory, moved out yesterday as the new house has a garden for him. Can't blame them really but I'll miss them. The Ferryden Community Council were out planting shrubs yesterday (they're the ones who dug up my piece of land that's now a piece of air!) and they're also putting in a new seat and some other things which is good. Since it was a glorious day, I went walkabout (sneezing and everything) seeing as it's done nothing but rain recently. I gave in last week and put the heating on on Wednesday, just as well since this morning the temperature was 1.5C. Still, I'm much happier with the freezing cold than torents of rain.


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