
Well, apologies for not updating sooner. There are several reasons, main one being I need to sleep! Working full-time, studying at College plus being the secretary of the Rotary (and that's just the start) take up quite a bit of time.

Anyway, more photos will go up soon especially as they're a great way of showing everyone what's happening instead of printing them out and posting them (especially the rate my printer seems to go through ink).

I'm quite busy at the moment as I mentioned. I'm trying to read for our bookgroup as well as read for the Angus Book Award longlisting. I've decided to finish with the Boys' Brigade for new as I've done it for 19 years and need a break particulary with studying for college. There are other reasons as well but I will miss the kids.

I don't have a piano at home, just a keyboard which I don't play alot as I end up playing air and the majority of my music isn't suitable for a keyboard. Our Church has recently bought a digital piano so I've been playing around with that and managed to save a couple of songs onto my pendrive for them. I actually cheated with one song and got the organist to play it otherwise I'd never get it recorded :) I then had to download the software to convert them into MP3 files so they could play on cd but only 2 of the 3 transferred. They all converted, so I don't know what happened.

Work is going ok at the moment, a bit swamped as they did a massive order of non-fiction books and guess who gets to classify them? Just finished working through the backlog, then it's straight into the summer reading scheme which means a week counting out bookmarks etc. Oh fun! The job at Mearns Academy has been readvertised so I'm going to go for that again.

It's strange but since I've moved up to Montrose I've been going through a baking fad and I borrowed a book from the mobile library. It's the first book I've used that the receipes work first-time round. I baked for the Rotary coffee morning and it went without a hitch. So these are (right) chocolate chip oat cookies, (left) sugar biscuits and bacon and egg pie (for me!).


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