New Toy

I've finally bitten the bullet and got a new bike as my other one resembles a rust bucket and is a nightmare to get in and out of the house. I also need to build up the strength in my knee again as it's been seizing up over the winter. So, I did my research on the web (handy being a librarian and all) and have not got a folding bike as it has be stored either in the car or in the kitchen and for those of you who have seen my house, you know how small it it is.

This bike folds down very easily and certainly takes up a lot less space. I picked it up last night and cycled out to the lighthouse and back and this morning, went through the village, walked up the brae (in my defence, they're pretty steep!) and did a circular route of Usan and Boddin, then back to Ferryden. I forgot how great it is to go downhill at speed with the breeze in front of you. There are alot of steep braes round here so I should get a goood workout so I'll be out on it as much as I can.

The only thing is the state of the roads in Angus mean that the bumps are big and deep and the vibrations go right through me. I haven't been on a bike for at least 15 years and with my balance not always being 100%, meant I wobbled round the shop! It's amazing how much your brain works at keeping you upright so it will help to retrain my brain.

Being a folding bike means I can also pop it in the car for holidays, going to a country park etc. I don't have the staying power yet to cycle all day so this is big advantage. It also means if I stay at Kate's, I can go out with the her and her family. I'm also intending on cycling round Forfar Loch with one of my colleagues next month during lunch so am looking forward to that.


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