It's 18 months since I last posted so I obviously broke that New Year's resolution!  Of course, in that time, Blogger has changed and moved some of the settings etc so I'm trying to figure out where things are.

Life has been a bit hectic since my last post plus the PC slowly died (again) but it's now up and running.  It always seems to die at the most inconvenient time e.g. trying to order a bathroom suite!

So quick update on life in the last 18 months:
  • I originally created this blog to show many of my weird and wonderful pottery creations.  I stopped pottery about four years ago as I had other commitments that clashed and when I could return, I discovered that the classes ceased.  Hopefully, I can take it up in the future if it returns.
  • Thanks to a wrist problem, I haven't crocheted for at least a year.  I actually miss it especially during the winter months as that's when I tend to do most of the work.  I'm hoping to start again soon especially as a friend's child is now a year old and waiting for her gift!  Photos and progress updates will appear though I'll have to see how the wrist copes.
  • Last Autumn, I started woodcarving classes in Forfar and although I can only carve for around an hour (due to the wrist), I am making slow progress on two seahorses and seashells.  Sadly our tutor died suddenly so I'm waiting to hear if another tutor will take on the class.  I hope so as I've seahorse number two to complete! 
  • As well as being in Rotary, I am also our Church's Presbytery Elder which means Tuesdays are filled with one or the other.  I sit on the Ministries group which deals with vacancies, minister training etc.  It's quite interesting and I work a few doors away from where we meet which is really handy.
  • I'm currently working on doing up the bathroom.  The suite is in thankfully since the old one had pretty much packed in but I've got five holes in the walls and ceilings to figure out how to fill (they're big ones) and how to get the remaining ancient paint off the ceiling/walls and sealed before painting as I can't grip the scraper now.  A previous owner was bad at DIY which is a nightmare as nothing is straightforward to do.  
  • Just as I'd started the "bathroom project", I was offered an allotment. I had been on the list for a few years so it came out of the blue.  I went to see the plots on offer and chose one that had a shed that looked ok and very little weeds.  Half the plot has now been dug and planted and the other half needs to be cleared.  Given that the soil is rock hard, it's going to take a while particularly as the wrist limits what I can do.  Things are beginning to grow though I'm not known for being green-fingered so what this space and pray.  Pictures of the plot will follow.  For those who don't know what an allotment is, this link gives some background on them.  I have a Council-run one who supply water, cut the grass, maintain the boundary fence and poisioned the weeds for me.  Apart from that, that's all they do whereas some association-run ones sell seeds, compost etc and regulary make inspections of your plot.
So that's life so far, it's much better to be busy than bored!


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