Author Event

I heard Christopher Brookmyre speak tonight - very entertaining guy, had us all in stitches. I've been listening to "Pandemonium" on CD though I'm only half way through it and it's very funny. The first disk had me worried to begin with - I thought the CDs were in the wrong box as I couldn't figure what on earth the story was about! Words we used at school like "boufin" and "barkit" came flooding back (no idea if that's how to spell them!). I got my autograph book signed as well as buying "Be my Enemy".

I got the autography book as a present about 6 years ago and it's fairly filling up with author signatures. When I used to run children's reading groups and events, we'd have competitions to see how many and which authors had signed our books. I also decided a few years ago to only buy books that I either would read over and over again (something I rarely do) or if I got them signed by the author. This is mainly because my bookcase is severely sagging in the middle and I've nowhere else to put them! I also prefer to borrow books from the library as it's free. So now all I need to do is find time to read them all :))


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