
Showing posts from 2010

Author Event

I heard Christopher Brookmyre speak tonight - very entertaining guy, had us all in stitches. I've been listening to "Pandemonium" on CD though I'm only half way through it and it's very funny. The first disk had me worried to begin with - I thought the CDs were in the wrong box as I couldn't figure what on earth the story was about! Words we used at school like "boufin" and "barkit" came flooding back (no idea if that's how to spell them!). I got my autograph book signed as well as buying "Be my Enemy". I got the autography book as a present about 6 years ago and it's fairly filling up with author signatures. When I used to run children's reading groups and events, we'd have competitions to see how many and which authors had signed our books. I also decided a few years ago to only buy books that I either would read over and over again (something I rarely do) or if I got them signed by the author. This is mai...

Holiday Countdown

I’m off to London for a week in September and I’m going by sleeper which I've been dying to do since I was a child. Because I'm going by sleeper it actually works out a longer stay as I gain two days by travelling overnight. I’m staying with my aunt and uncle and I’ve been trying to narrow down things to do. I looked on the Visit London site and within a couple of minutes found cycle tours – fantastic idea! I vaguely remember taking an open top tour on a bus the last time I was down but the bikes sound more fun. I’ll either go to the British Museum or Natural History Museum (I keep swithering) and the London Eye is a must. Apart from that, I’m not sure what else I’ll be doing. I want to spend time with my aunt and uncle as well as pounding the pavements so I’ll probably just wait and see how the week pans out (especially the weather!). Before London though, I'm due to go to the Scottish mobilemeet in Kilmarnock on 11th September which will mean an early start espe...

At long last.....

Yikes, didn't realise it had been ages since I've updated the blog! This is my third attempt to try and update and no wonder it takes me forever as it doesn’t always save properly or there’s a problem with the editing and you’ve to re-type everything! I really enjoyed the cycling course the Council ran in April and managed to change my inner tube with help from the tutor. I have 20" wheels which are harder to get the tyre off but much easier to get it back on! We cycled round Forfar mainly practising turns and roundabouts and I was surprised at the abuse we got from some drivers because we were cycling in pairs. Apparently, it's recommended that you cycle in pairs instead on one big line (there were nine of us) as it's much riskier for a driver to overtake and they could knock you off. I’ve also been cycling round Angus, up the Glens and even got more abuse when using a cycle path. I’ll stick to taking my chances with the traffic I think. I was on holiday for a cou...


It's been ages since I've updated so now that I've got a week off, I've time to catch up on things and the blog is one of them. I've been quite busy with, well, everything really. First of all, work is going ok at the moment though I'm so far behind I doubt I'll ever catch up. Also, my boss is away to retire in a couple of weeks and I don't know if I'm taking over from him or not. No doubt I'll be told eventually but in the meantime he's handing over to me which means I'm constantly taking notes. The day-to-day stuff in the office is fine, it's managing the servers and interrogating the system that I'm more worried about. There are implications whether I move up or leave (I'm still job-hunting) as my post will cease to exist but I don't know what they plan to do about my responsibilities. Still, if I do get moved up, it's a good opportunity and more secure than some positions because it's system admin and IT ...

Baby photos

I love the stripey mitts but the hospital blankets are hard. Crashed out after a feed! I went up to see Kate and Georgie on Tuesday and Wednesday. They didn't get discharged until Wednesday night as Georgie's blood sugar was too low so the poor bairn had her feet pricked every couple of hours or so from birth to discharge. Not a great start but she's fine. They reckon the cause was a drug Kate was given in labour. So they're home now and Georgie's beginning to settle which is great though I doubt Kate will be sleeping much for the moment! We've had a bit of a thaw today though it's still icy and slippy. At the moment, it's blowing a gale which is better than last night with snow. I slid down in Montrose as the snow was freezing straight away. Of course on Friday, I left home and it was -8 and by the time I got to work in Forfar it was -12. Talk about cold, the steps and path into work have massive cracks in them now. We've not had it as bad ...

3rd baby has arrived!

My new niece, Georgie Hazel, was born this morning at 2.11am, 8lb 8oz. Mum and baby are fine and are hoping to get home today. Dad and her 2 sisters have gone up to see them and I'll go down once they are home. Apparently the snow's causing problems in Dundee at the moment but it's fine here, just hail that's been iced over making walking dangerous but otherwise it's fine.