
Showing posts from 2013

Theatre and Blossoms

I saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show in Aberdeen a couple of days ago.   It was an excellent performance and the first time I seen it on stage after I kept on missing previous tours.  No, I did not dress up as I spent the day wandering around Aberdeen and would have raised a few eyebrows (and been a bit chilly!) but others did in a variety of costumes. Over the last week or so, I've noticed that the cactus below has begun to flower and it has four buds growing with another three looking possible so (drum roll) here is The Little Shop of Horrors plant: Quite a mouthful to say but I cannot think of a more apt name for it!  I am really pleased with it, I certainly didn't expect four buds to appear so fingers crossed they all blossom. Plot update : I'm waiting for the weather to improve before digging up the remaining potatoes.  Something (a slug I suspect) is munching their way through my courgettes so I'm not too impressed particularly as I've not had a "g...

Harvest Time!

While I've been digging up the odd potato and onion, I've now harvested all the onions and around half of the potatoes: The yellow things are courgettes.  Courgette Number One has produced three so far and Courgette Number Two has produced one (some have been eaten by something).  Not quite the glut I was expecting but still lovely.  Next year, I'll have to grow more onions as these will be lucky to see me into November! There's no way at the moment that I can eat all the food that the plot can produce so I'm going to grow flowers and have started my herb garden.  I picked up a couple of roses for a good price: Strawberries are finally in.  After a few days of heavy rain, I spent the morning digging a patch for them and they're doing quite well (they're in the front of the photo): On another note, I'm on holiday at the moment and have decided to finally bite the bullet and paint the bathroom.  It should have been done a couple of m...


Proof that Mother Nature bounces back.  This is Courgette Number One which I thought had died but no, it has at least thirteen courgettes appearing (you can see a couple of the flowers and a few tiny yellow courgettes). Hopefully Courgette Number Two will bounce back too after being battered by torrential rain as I have a recipe for chocolate and courgette cake that I am desperate to make....!


A couple of Saturdays ago, I went up a couple of hills near Auchterhouse.  This photo is taken from the top of Craigowl and looks over to Dundee (you can just about see the two bridges).  It was hot especially coming back down when the heat hit in waves but the views were worth it: The sunny spell we're having is also having a great effect on the cacti.  This is one of the newer ones that's only had a couple of flowers over the last couple of years so I'm well chuffed. :) I'm hoping that this one below will repeat it's fantastic show of flowers from last year.  It reminds me of the Little Shop of Horrors plant....  

Harvest Time!

I love kale but I must admit I'm having trouble keeping up with eating the stuff!  All three are kale plus some parsley. :) Kale, chives, peas and courgettes (the yellow ones).  I doubt I'll get anymore courgettes as they were battered by heavy rain: So the digging continues....   

The Plot

This was the condition of the plot when I got the keys (well, except the one to into it!).  I then started the "race against time" to get the better half planted up. A fellow plot holder gave me some unwanted seed potatoes so they, along with some onions, are planted below.  The leeks were replanted from elsewhere and died soon after. The current state of the plot - about 3/4 of the plot has been dug  only thanks to the rain as the ground is rock solid.  Bring on the rain!  The kale are under the fleece and green protector which I was given from another plot holder who is sadly giving his up this year.  He also gave me parsley, lots of it, plus some strawberry plants for next year.
It's 18 months since I last posted so I obviously broke that New Year's resolution!  Of course, in that time, Blogger has changed and moved some of the settings etc so I'm trying to figure out where things are. Life has been a bit hectic since my last post plus the PC slowly died (again) but it's now up and running.  It always seems to die at the most inconvenient time e.g. trying to order a bathroom suite! So quick update on life in the last 18 months: I originally created this blog to show many of my weird and wonderful pottery creations.  I stopped pottery about four years ago as I had other commitments that clashed and when I could return, I discovered that the classes ceased.   Hopefully, I can take it up in the future if it returns. Thanks to a wrist problem, I haven't crocheted for at least a year.  I actually miss it especially during the winter months as that's when I tend to do most of the work.  I'm hoping to...