
Showing posts from October, 2009

Baby no.2 has arrived!

Owen Robertson was born in Aberdeen yesterday at 14.50 and arrived safely. Both him and Maria are fine as is dad Bryan. He's baby no. 2 for getting a blanket which has been finished for a couple of weeks now but I won't put a picture up until I've given it to Maria and Bryan otherwise it'll kinda spoil the surprise! Must admit, Bryan took a lovely photo of Maria holding Owen just after the birth and she looked really good having just gone through a long labour. I'm hoping to go up to see them soon once they're home and settled. So, one more blanket to do and I really have to do a different pattern as I've done the previous designs for my other nieces. This baby to be is a girl by the way and I've 11 weeks apparently, so no pressure! I know I'd said I'd upload photos from the weekend away but as usual, the phone rang and 2 hours later, I'd enough of staring at the PC. Hopefully, I'll get them done soon and I reckon I'll have to l...

Life Update

Where has the time gone?! It's been about six weeks since my last post so here's a brief update. A couple of weekends ago, Since it was forecasted to be a lovely day, I went round Glen Clova and Glen Doll with Sharon, a colleague from work, on our bikes. We reckon we cycled about 18 miles or so though admittedly I had to walk up a few of the steeper slopes! I get half way up and just grind to a halt. It was a great day and the weather held only deciding to rain when we were leaving. I have noticed a problem with the bike, just a minor one really. The seat has a tendancy to move so I can be pedalling along quite happily then suddenly my knees are up at my chin!! This of course, tends to happen going up a hill making life challenging, so I'll have to figure out someway of tightening it. The bolt is not like a standard bolt either - typical. I'm now back at College and am having to create a website from scratch which should be interesting since I've never used CS...