
Showing posts from August, 2013


Proof that Mother Nature bounces back.  This is Courgette Number One which I thought had died but no, it has at least thirteen courgettes appearing (you can see a couple of the flowers and a few tiny yellow courgettes). Hopefully Courgette Number Two will bounce back too after being battered by torrential rain as I have a recipe for chocolate and courgette cake that I am desperate to make....!


A couple of Saturdays ago, I went up a couple of hills near Auchterhouse.  This photo is taken from the top of Craigowl and looks over to Dundee (you can just about see the two bridges).  It was hot especially coming back down when the heat hit in waves but the views were worth it: The sunny spell we're having is also having a great effect on the cacti.  This is one of the newer ones that's only had a couple of flowers over the last couple of years so I'm well chuffed. :) I'm hoping that this one below will repeat it's fantastic show of flowers from last year.  It reminds me of the Little Shop of Horrors plant....  

Harvest Time!

I love kale but I must admit I'm having trouble keeping up with eating the stuff!  All three are kale plus some parsley. :) Kale, chives, peas and courgettes (the yellow ones).  I doubt I'll get anymore courgettes as they were battered by heavy rain: So the digging continues....   

The Plot

This was the condition of the plot when I got the keys (well, except the one to into it!).  I then started the "race against time" to get the better half planted up. A fellow plot holder gave me some unwanted seed potatoes so they, along with some onions, are planted below.  The leeks were replanted from elsewhere and died soon after. The current state of the plot - about 3/4 of the plot has been dug  only thanks to the rain as the ground is rock solid.  Bring on the rain!  The kale are under the fleece and green protector which I was given from another plot holder who is sadly giving his up this year.  He also gave me parsley, lots of it, plus some strawberry plants for next year.