
Showing posts from January, 2010

Baby photos

I love the stripey mitts but the hospital blankets are hard. Crashed out after a feed! I went up to see Kate and Georgie on Tuesday and Wednesday. They didn't get discharged until Wednesday night as Georgie's blood sugar was too low so the poor bairn had her feet pricked every couple of hours or so from birth to discharge. Not a great start but she's fine. They reckon the cause was a drug Kate was given in labour. So they're home now and Georgie's beginning to settle which is great though I doubt Kate will be sleeping much for the moment! We've had a bit of a thaw today though it's still icy and slippy. At the moment, it's blowing a gale which is better than last night with snow. I slid down in Montrose as the snow was freezing straight away. Of course on Friday, I left home and it was -8 and by the time I got to work in Forfar it was -12. Talk about cold, the steps and path into work have massive cracks in them now. We've not had it as bad ...

3rd baby has arrived!

My new niece, Georgie Hazel, was born this morning at 2.11am, 8lb 8oz. Mum and baby are fine and are hoping to get home today. Dad and her 2 sisters have gone up to see them and I'll go down once they are home. Apparently the snow's causing problems in Dundee at the moment but it's fine here, just hail that's been iced over making walking dangerous but otherwise it's fine.